Located near the brackish waters of Alligator Bayou Swamp in Ascension Parish, Louisiana, NEXT LEFT PRESS publishes imperfect, handmade chapbooks using print methods and materials that reflect both the content of the words as well as the personality of the artist. Each book is unique, and all NEXT LEFT titles are printed in limited-run editions. Any re-prints or revised editions are made at the author’s request. NEXT LEFT PRESS does not profit in the sale of books. All profits go directly to the artists because we’re artists, collaborating with other artists, to create an enhanced reading experience. We hope y’all enjoy.
NEXT LEFT PRESS seeks to support and expand our community of writers and readers through the work we choose to publish. Voices matter and poetry that communicates identity matters to us. Without really trying, NEXT LEFT PRESS has built a diverse stable of writers by listening to its community. We believe that our society needs small presses so that widely diverse ideas and points-of-view are easily accessible to everyone.
Our press is currently without funding of any kind. The books exist through a collaborative of poets donating their time and talents to their construction. Each book is hand-bound, with the binding method and design mirroring the poetics and styles of the individual poet. The idea is to make a book the reader experiences that places them that much closer to the poet and the poetry, to give the reader more. The poets get more too: once there’s funding for a book, the copies are given to the poets for sale. NEXT LEFT PRESS neither sells nor profits from the sale of the poets’ works. Poets receive 100% of the royalty from sale. Who gets paid at NEXT LEFT PRESS? The paper distributor, the printer, the designer, and the poet. The majority of funds go to the poet.
We have an open submission policy, so if you'd like to produce a book we first recommend seeing what it is NLP does and, if you think we can feature your work with a style and aesthetic that fits you, send an inquiry letter to:
NEXT LEFT PRESS seeks to support and expand our community of writers and readers through the work we choose to publish. Voices matter and poetry that communicates identity matters to us. Without really trying, NEXT LEFT PRESS has built a diverse stable of writers by listening to its community. We believe that our society needs small presses so that widely diverse ideas and points-of-view are easily accessible to everyone.
Our press is currently without funding of any kind. The books exist through a collaborative of poets donating their time and talents to their construction. Each book is hand-bound, with the binding method and design mirroring the poetics and styles of the individual poet. The idea is to make a book the reader experiences that places them that much closer to the poet and the poetry, to give the reader more. The poets get more too: once there’s funding for a book, the copies are given to the poets for sale. NEXT LEFT PRESS neither sells nor profits from the sale of the poets’ works. Poets receive 100% of the royalty from sale. Who gets paid at NEXT LEFT PRESS? The paper distributor, the printer, the designer, and the poet. The majority of funds go to the poet.
We have an open submission policy, so if you'd like to produce a book we first recommend seeing what it is NLP does and, if you think we can feature your work with a style and aesthetic that fits you, send an inquiry letter to: